Training course on "Managing Project Preparation for Climate Change Adaptation"
06- 10 June 2016
AIT Conference Center, Pahtumthani, Thailand
AIT (CCA) and USAID (through their Adapt Asia-Pacific Project conducted a five (5) day training course . The course aimed to improve the capacity on preparing fundable project proposals for climate change adaptation. The course will 1) help in understanding climate change realities and risks; how to manage risks, screen for sensitivities, and address key vulnerable groups and areas; how climate change adaptation can be grounded in national development plans and broader national adaptation policy and strategic frameworks. 2) aid in identifying sources of international funding options and develop capacities for accessing those sources; 3) build capacity in project preparation for climate change adaptation by illustrating 'how-to' methods, tools and processes for use in rigorous adaptation project/program design in line with policies and plans; and 4) provide an introduction to Implementation and monitoring of projects. Approx. 35 people from from 7 South and SE Asian countries participated at tht training. from 7 South and SE Asian countries, AIT staff and local participants.
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