Training Programme on Developing Project Proposals on Climate Change for Pakistan
7-11 August 2017
AIT Conference Center, Pathumthani, Thailand
Objectives and outcomes
The objective of this training programme is to develop skills of government officials and other stakeholders in Pakistan to prepare bankable project proposals for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The programme will be conducted over a five-day period and will the following topics:
- Understanding GCF Operations from a Project Development Point of View
- Developing a GCF Project Concept Note:
- Elaboration of a logical framework, defining result areas and choosing a suitable Accredited Entity
- Complying with the GCF investment framework
- Elaboration of implementation arrangements, ensuring stakeholder engagement, complying with regulatory requirements, and carrying out risk analysis
- Developing Road Map for Finalizing the Draft GCF Concept Note and Elaborating a Full Proposal
This training programme is being conducted under the Climate Change Asia initiative at AIT that aims to build capacities of governments and other stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific to access climate finance as a means to advance the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
Monday, 7 August
9 a.m. // Opening Ceremony
9:30 a.m. // Introduction of the training programme, pre-course evaluation, group picture
10 a.m. // Coffee Break
10:15 a.m. //
Session 1: GCF features and governance -- Presentation and exercise
11:30 a.m //
Session 2: GCF access, accreditation, fit for purpose, environmental and social standards, roles of Accredited Entities -- Presentation and exercise
12:30 p.m. // Lunch
1:30 p.m. // Special Presentation on "COP Decisions: Linkages between the UNFCCC's Technology and Financial Mechanisms"
2 p.m. //
Session 3: GCF investment strategy/framework-- Presentation and exercise
3:15 p.m. // Coffee Break
3:30 p.m. //
Session 4: GCF Proposal Approval Process and role of NDAs and GCF financial instruments -- Presentation and exercise
4:45 p.m. //
Session 5: Lessons Learned from current GCF Project Pipeline; Results and Performance Measurement Framework -- Presentation and exercise
5:15 p.m. // Day 1 training evaluation: Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form
Tuesday, 8 August
8:45 a.m. // Results of day 1 training evaluation: Presentation, and brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback
9 a.m. //
Session 6: Introduction to GCF Project Concept Note and Full Funding Proposal Templates. Organization of group work -- Presentation and discussion
10 a.m. //
Session 7: Elaboration of logical framework for proposed GCF projects -- Presentation followed by group work
Coffee break intermittent during group work
12:30 p.m. // Lunch
1:30 p.m. //
Session 7 (continued)
2:30 p.m. //
Session 8: Presentation and discussion of choice of Accredited Entities and logical frameworks -- Group presentations followed by plenary discussion
Coffee break intermittent during group work
4:15 p.m. //
Session 9: Choice of result areas and Accredited Entities for proposal -- Plenary discussion
5 p.m. // Day 2 training evaluation: Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form
Wednesday, 9 August
8:45 a.m. // Results of day 2 training evaluation: Presentation, and brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback
9 a.m. //
Session 10: Continuation of proposal design -- Elaboration of main points responding to the GCF's investment criteria -- Presentation and group work
Coffee break intermittent during group work
10:45 a.m. //
Session 11: Presentation and discussion of investment criteria group work -- Group presentation followed by plenary discussion
Noon // Lunch
1 p.m. //
Session 12: Continuation of proposal design -- Elaboration of main points responding to the GCF's requirements for implementation arrangements and stakeholder engagement -- Presentation followed by group work
Coffee break intermittent during group work
3:30 p.m. //
Session 13: Presentation and discussion of group work focusing on implementation arrangements and stakeholder engagement -- Group presentation followed by plenary discussion
4:45 p.m.// Day 3 training evaluation: Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form
Thursday, 10 August
8:45 a.m. // Results of day 3 training evaluation: Presentation, and brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback
9 a.m. //
Session 14: Continuation of proposal design -- Elaboration of main points responding to GCF's requirements for risk analysis, market overview, regulation, taxation and insurance issues -- Presentation followed by group work
Coffee break intermittent during group work
11 a.m. //
Session 15: Presentation and discussion of group work focusing on risk analysis, market overview, taxation and insurance issues -- Group presentation followed by plenary discussion
12:15 p.m. //
Session 16: GCF readiness assistance for funding proposal development -- Presentation
12:45 p.m. // Day 4 training evaluation: Participants to fill in a one-page evaluation form
1 p.m. // Lunch
1:45 p.m. // Field Trip to Sunny Bangchak (Solar Farm)
Friday, 11 August
8:45 a.m. // Results of day 4 training evaluation Presentation, and brief plenary discussion of how to accommodate feedback
9 a.m. //
Session 17: Elaboration of a road map on how to complete the concept note and corresponding full funding proposal -- Moderated group work
Coffee break intermittent during group work
Noon // Lunch
1 p.m. //
Session 18: Presentation, discussion and finalization of road maps
3:30 p.m. //
Session 19: Final training evaluation and closing plenary discussion on follow up and mentoring for trainees: Participants to fill in a two-page evaluation form, followed by moderated discussion
Coffee break intermittent during group discussion
4:30 p.m. // Closing ceremony